How to Treat and Overcome Buried Penis Syndrome

A man talking to a doctor while clutching his penis
A man talking to a doctor while clutching his penis

How to Treat and Overcome Buried Penis Syndrome

Is your penis partially concealed by surrounding skin or tissue? If so, you may have a condition called buried penis syndrome. This condition is also commonly referred to as concealed penis or hidden penis. It doesn’t typically cause any harmful symptoms. However, it can have a huge impact on the impacted person’s confidence levels and sexual performance. A buried penis can also pose challenges to intimate relationships.

If you’re someone with this condition, you may be wondering how to fix buried penis syndrome. Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with a concealed penis forever. Various options are available to correct the problem, from lifestyle changes to surgical interventions. Here’s what you should know about treating and overcoming a buried penis so you can get your sexual confidence and function back.

What Is a Buried Penis?

A buried penis often involves a normal-sized penis that’s concealed beneath fat or folds of skin from the pelvis, thighs, scrotum, or abdomen. There are two primary types of buried penis: congenital buried penis and adult acquired buried penis (AABP). In the former situation, the condition is present from birth. In the latter situation, it develops later in the affected person’s life.

Buried penis syndrome varies in severity. Sometimes, the entire penis may be completely hidden from view by the tissues around it. In other cases, the tip of the organ may still be visible. In some cases, a band of tight scar tissue (called a cicatrix) can surround the penis. The scar tissue may appear reddish or pink in color and can be painful or itchy.

What Causes Buried Penis Syndrome?

There are many potential causes or contributors to buried penis syndrome. They include:

  • Circumcision problems: Sometimes, having too little or too much of the foreskin removed during circumcision may cause the penis to drop backward into the surrounding tissue.
  • Congenital causes: Some people are born with skin that doesn’t attach normally at the base of the penis. When this happens, it can cause the penis to invert while at rest.
  • Genital lymphedema: Abnormal lymphatic system function can cause lymphedema (swelling) in various parts of the body, including around the scrotum. Genital lymphedema may cause the tissues in the genital area to bury the penis.
  • Class III obesity: If your BMI is greater than 40, you likely have excess weight around the genital and abdominal areas. Fatty tissues and folds of skin due to obesity can conceal your penis.
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa: This condition causes inflammation of the sweat glands and may lead to abscesses in and around the genital area. These abscesses and associated swelling can cause a buried penis.
  • Webbed penis: This is a condition in which the midline of the scrotum is attached to the penile shaft by a web of skin. This can pull the penis downward and hide it from view.
  • Lichen sclerosus: This painful condition refers to inflammation in the anal and genital regions. It can result in scar tissue and irritation of the foreskin or penis tip. Swelling of the affected tissues can bury the penis.
  • Previous trauma or surgeries: In some cases, a buried penis may occur due to scar tissue development from previous penile trauma or surgeries.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the potential causes of buried penis syndrome, but it does include some of the most common. It’s important to consult with a qualified medical professional to receive a diagnosis for your particular case.

Symptoms of a Buried Penis

Usually, a buried penis doesn’t cause any notable symptoms. But if your penis is always buried by surrounding tissues, it can be challenging to keep it clean and hygienic. Additionally, if you have scar tissue and inflammation in the area that’s trapping your penis, you may experience an unpleasant odor, infections, or pain. Seeking early treatment for symptoms such as these may prevent them from worsening and help you enjoy a higher quality of life.

Complications Associated With Buried Penis Syndrome

Often, buried penis syndrome causes nothing more than social embarrassment. However, if left untreated, some instances of buried penis syndrome could lead to complications such as:

  • Skin infections
  • Erectile problems
  • Hygiene issues
  • Increased risk of penile cancer
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Infertility
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety

Those who receive surgical treatment often experience improvements in self-esteem, genital hygiene, urinary function, and sexual satisfaction. Their intimate partners are also more likely to experience sexual satisfaction and enjoy the approved function and appearance of the penis.

Buried Penis Treatment Options

Now that you know some frequent causes of a concealed penis, it’s time to talk about how to fix buried penis syndrome. Here are a few of the treatment options from which you can choose.

Lifestyle Changes

If you’re wondering how to get rid of buried penis syndrome in the least-invasive way possible, try making lifestyle changes. Often, you can reduce the amount of tissue concealing your penis by losing excess weight. You can do this by increasing your physical activity levels, cutting back on junk food, and eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods. You may also need to get some blood work done to see if you have an underlying condition impacting your weight gain, such as type 2 diabetes or thyroid disease. Treating the underlying condition often makes it much easier to finally lose the extra weight.

Buried Penis Surgery

In severe cases, your healthcare provider may recommend surgical buried penis repair. Here are some of the most popular procedures available for this particular condition:

Himplant Implant

A Himplant implant is an FDA-cleared penis implant that enhances penile girth and flaccid length. It’s a quick and effective solution for buried penis syndrome. The procedure usually doesn’t cause any scarring on the penis and requires very little downtime. In most cases, the entire surgery takes under 60 minutes in a convenient outpatient setting.

Benefits of a Himplant penile implant include:

  • Removable implant made from medical-grade silicone
  • Increased width and flaccid penis length
  • No interference with sexual or regular penile function
  • Scientifically backed device with FDA clearance
  • Natural appearance and feel
  • Customizable in size and shape

A provider inserts the Himplant implant through a small incision in the scrotum, then carefully guides the implant down the shaft. The implant stretches the skin and tissue of the penis to create an enlarged appearance and help a buried penis become more visible.


An abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck) may be a good solution for buried penis syndrome if skin and fat from the abdominal area covers the penis. This procedure surgically removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen and tightens the surrounding muscles. A tummy tuck doesn’t remove fat or tighten loose skin in the genital area. Additionally, this procedure may not be appropriate for anyone with a body mass index of 30 or higher.


People with obesity often have an apron of skin that hangs underneath the belly button. Called the “pannus,” this apron can conceal the sexual organs. To rectify the problem, your surgeon may recommend performing a panniculectomy. This surgical procedure removes the pannus and can rectify some instances of buried penis syndrome.

Suction Lipectomy

During a suction lipectomy, a surgeon focuses on removing fat tissue located just above the scrotum or penis. The surgeon creates tiny incisions in strategic areas and uses suction catheters to remove adipose cells from the desired areas.


People with excess weight often have a pad of fat located in the pubic area. This pad of fat can obscure the penis from view. During an escutcheonectomy, this pad is surgically removed. Once it’s gone, the penis typically becomes easier to see.

Circumcision Revision

If a botched circumcision is the underlying cause of your concealed penis, you may want to consider a circumcision revision. This can correct the problem and help expose a previously circumcised penis that has dropped back into the surrounding fatty tissue.

Buried Penis Before and After Treatment

It can be scary to commit to a procedure that involves such a delicate part of the body. However, many people receive surgery for buried penis syndrome and are quite happy with the results. Talk to your provider about your surgical treatment options if you want to correct a buried penis. If you are 18 or older, you can also view before and after photos of people online who have received procedures such as a Himplant implant. Keep in mind that results vary from one person to the next.*

Regain Your Confidence and Sexual Function With a Himplant Implant

There’s no need to live with the discomfort, embarrassment, and potential complications associated with a buried penis. There are many different treatment options available, including a Himplant implant. This completely removable implant has a high patient satisfaction rate, but you can have it removed at any time if you so choose.

Dr. Taj and his team at Better Body MD are proud to be the leading provider of the Himplant implant. If you would like to improve the appearance and function of your buried penis, call us at 703-687-3601 to schedule your complimentary Himplant consultation.


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7 Causes of Penis Shrinking & What to Do About It

Man in a boxer shorts staring at his penis
Man in a boxer shorts staring at his penis.

7 Causes of Penis Shrinking & What to Do About It

Why is my penis shrinking? If you’ve ever found yourself wondering if your penis is shrinking, then this article is for you. The truth is, penis shrinking is a typical part of male days. However, penis shrinking usually results from feeling cold or a similar cause. This is because, to the ordinary man, it’s natural for your penis to shrink due to a reaction to something.

In this article, we discuss penis shrinkage, both normal and not normal, why the penis shrinks, the causes, and treatments.

What is the Average Penis Size?

Average penile size varies per person. However, average penis size falls within the following ranges:

  • Average length of a flaccid penis: 9.16 centimeters (about 3.6 inches)
  • Average length of a flaccid stretched penis: 13.24 cm (about 5.3 inches)
  • Average length of an erect penis: 13.12 cm (about 5.2 inches)
  • Average circumference of a flaccid penis: 9.31cm (about 3.7 inches)
  • Average circumference of an erect penis: 11.66 cm (about 4.6 inches)

What is Penis Shrinkage?

Can your penis shrink? Yes. “Penis shrinkage” often refers to a reduction in the size of the penis. Shrinkage can directly result from feeling cold, such as a cold shower or exposure to the cold elements. However, penis shrinking might be a permanent result of a treatable disease or poor living conditions for some. Also, men with large amounts of fat in the pubic region can feel that their penis is often retracted and hiding under the fat.

Sometimes called “penile atrophy,” penis shrinkage can be a scary thing to experience. Most men can expect to experience penis shrinking as they age, as it often occurs due to various age-related concerns that many men face.

What Does Penis Shrinking Look Like?

Men will notice two very distinct changes in their penis with age. First, a reduction in blood flow causes the head of the penis (glans) to lose its purple color. Second, there is also a gradual loss of pubic hair. In a sense, the penis reverts to a prepubescent state, mostly hairless. This is often due to men’s natural drop in testosterone as they age. Usually, this can cause the penis to shrink.

What Causes the Penis to Shrink?

Understanding why the penis shrinks is important before looking into treatments. Shrinking can be permanent, and the causes can be linked to a treatable condition or lifestyle changes.

Here are 7 causes of penis shrinking and what to do about it:

#1 Aging

Do penises shrink with age? The truth is, yes, it can. When men age, the fatty deposits in the arteries may cause a reduction in blood flow to the penis. This causes the muscle cells in the erectile tubes to become weak. When the erectile tubes are engorged with blood, they produce fewer erections. Less blood flow means smaller and less firm erections.

As a result of a buildup of scar tissue caused by traumas in the penis, you may experience penis shrinkage. In addition, this buildup of scar tissue can impair the spongy erectile tissue in the penis, limiting erection size and inevitably causing penile atrophy.

#2 Anxiety Shrinkage

Can your penis get smaller when you are anxious? Yes, some men experience anxiety shrinkage. This is known as a psychological phenomenon called “koro.” This is an extreme state of anxiety that causes the penis to shrink or disappear.

#3 Hormone Deficiency

Some studies suggest penile atrophy is a direct correlation of a depletion of androgens, which causes a reduction in smooth muscle cells. In addition, loss of androgens also leads to weight gain, specifically in the pubic area or near the base of the penis.

The loss of hormones potentially has a two-factor effect on penis shrinkage: first, the loss of tissue mass, and then, second, the exposed tissue percentage being reduced to excessive weight gain around the penis.

#4 Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease causes fibrous scar tissue to form inside the penis. In response, many men experience penile curvature when the penis begins to curve during erection. A curved erection is cause for concern. In addition, the bend may be uncomfortable for some men.

As men age, they may develop Peyronie’s disease. It can also cause a reduction in the length and circumference of the penis. This often results in the doctor advising you to have surgery to remove scar tissue that causes shrinking, bending, and pain.

#5 Prostate Surgery

Surgeries like a prostatectomy, removing the prostate, can cause the penis to shrink. Some studies also show that the penile dimensions (length and girth) decrease after nerve-sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy. The most substantial changes occur between 4 to 8 months after the surgery. Change is usually about 20%, depending on your health and body. Experiences will be different for everyone.

#6 Radiation

Radiation is another thing that tends to suppress androgens, resulting in penis shrinkage. It was discovered that there’s a “statistically significant decrease” in penile length in men who undergo radiation treatments.

It’s possible, however, that the effects of radiation likely play the key role here, though, rather than the hormone suppression — further study is needed to determine whether hormone suppression alone can cause shrinkage.

#7 Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. While ED isn’t confirmed to be a specific cause of penis shrinking, there are some links between the two to be aware of.

Can I Regain My Penis Size?

The good news is that if you experience penis shrinkage, you can regain your penis size in most cases. Here are a few ways you can regain the size of your penis:

Penile Shrinkage Treatments

Lifestyle Changes

Some causes of your penis shrinking are due to controllable factors like weight gain. This can easily be reversed by making lifestyle changes like devoting yourself to a healthy diet and exercise routine. Once you begin to lose the excess abdominal fat and pubic area fat, you will see your penis begin to resume its normal length as a result of losing the fat bulges.

Temporary Solutions

If your penis shrinks as a result of prostate surgery, the condition may improve within a few months or years. However, there are temporary solutions you can use to help regain your penis length and girth. These solutions include vacuum erection devices or penis pumps, which may help penis shrinkage after prostate cancer treatment.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Treating Erectile Dysfunction or ED may be a viable option for improving erection function if not size. Penile rehabilitation is a form of physical therapy for men struggling with their ability to gain and achieve a solid erection. There are also medications available for ED, like Viagra or Cialis. In addition, Better Body MD offers optimal ED treatments, including the innovative Focused Shockwave Therapy and other ED treatments. Treatments help increase the blood flow to the penis, helping you achieve an erection. However, they won’t necessarily make your penis bigger. Vacuum therapy and penile traction therapy, if correctly performed, can apply gentle tension to the penile tissues and slowly allow lengthening of the penis.

Penile Enlargement Surgery

If you’re worried about the size of your penis and want to enjoy a more enhanced penis, both flaccid and erect, a Penuma implant can help. This is an excellent treatment for making your penis bigger. Best of all, the Penuma implant is FDA-cleared, safe, effective, and the perfect treatment for increasing your length and girth.

While penile enlargement surgery is a viable option for increasing your penis size, you should never trust just anyone. To enjoy safe, effective penile implant surgery, choose an expert like Dr. Tajkarimi of Better Body MD. Dr. Tajkarimi is one of the leading providers of Himplant by Penuma implants in the world. If you want to learn more about this penis enlargement option, contact his office now to see if you are a good candidate for this implant.

Shrinking Penis? Get Help From an Expert

If you’re struggling with a shrinking penis, notice your penis isn’t as hard or erect as it used to be, or are just overly unhappy with the length or girth of your penis, contact expert Dr. Tajkarimi of Better Body MD. Dr. Taj can help you understand the causes of penis shrinkage, how to alleviate this shrinking, and how to correct or mitigate the shrinking with treatments or surgeries. Call (703) 687-3601 or contact Dr. Taj online now to learn more.


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Penis Enlargement Surgery Cost

A man consulting with a physician
A photo of a man having penile consultation from a physician.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Cost

How Much Will It Cost to Enlarge My Penis?

Penis enlargement is becoming a more common procedure thanks to surgical advancements. As a result, many men turn to penile implants to help improve the length and girth of their penis. While this is a safe surgery, before undergoing penile enlargement, it is important to consider the medical research, success rates, and, most of all—the cost. This article will answer some of the most searched queries surrounding penis enlargement surgery.

What is Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Penis enlargement surgery is often an elective surgery to make the penis appear bigger. Often penile enlargement procedures can enlarge or augment the penis by:

  • Making the penis longer or increasing its length.
  • Making the penis wider or increasing its girth, the circumference around the shaft.
  • Liposuction is often another variable during penile enlargement surgery to reduce belly fat to make the penis look larger.

What Determines the Price of Penis Enlargement?

Since all male genitals are different, so is the price for penis enlargement surgery. In addition, the price for male enhancement is affected by the complexity of your penis enlargement procedure and the addition of any other surgical procedures needed to perform that enlargement.

For example, in select male enhancement circumstances, additional procedures may also be necessary, such as:

  • Addressing the mons pubis (fat removal, skin removal)
  • Correcting a buried penis or micropenis (monsplasty, penoplasty)
  • Addressing a tethered scrotum (scrotoplasty)
  • Addressing excess foreskin (circumcision)

In general, the more complex the procedure, the higher the cost of your penile enlargement.

Why Do Men Need a Penis Enlargement Procedure?

Men may choose to have their penis enlarged for the following reasons:

  • To enlarge the penis
  • To increase length
  • To increase girth
  • To correct a buried penis or micropenis

Penile enlargement surgery is rarely ever a necessary surgery. It is often considered to be an elective cosmetic surgical procedure. However, most men decide to undergo surgical penis enhancement to improve their physical appearance and sometimes improve their self-image or mental health surrounding the way they look. Penile enlargement helps enhance the length and girth of the penis. There are many different penile implant surgeries available today, so it is crucial to find an expert penile enlargement surgeon and discuss your specific needs and outcomes to select the correct one.

Related Reading: 7 Causes of Penis Shrinking & What to Do About It

The Different Types of Penis Enlargement Procedures

The most popular types of penis enlargement surgeries include:

Penis Injectable Fillers

A popular male enlargement treatment is penile injectable fillers. These FDA-approved injectable fillers are a way to add width to the penis. The procedure is considered safe and effective and requires minimal downtime afterward. Most men can enjoy the benefits of this treatment almost instantly.

The fillers are usually made of Hyaluronic Acid. They increase the girth and generally improve the appearance of the penis without surgery. Research suggests they can increase the circumference by a significant amount.

It is important to note that penis fillers will dissolve over time like facial fillers. This type of procedure will need to be repeated every few months for consistent penis enlargement.

Penis Injection Cost

Injectable penis fillers are done in-office without surgery or other surgical aspects like anesthesia or an operating room fee. Therefore, your initial injectable penis fillers treatment is cheaper than implants or other male enlargement surgeries. For most fillers, the price tends to be, on average, anywhere from $25,000 to $30,000 (based on 3 treatments), depending on your specific needs.

How Do I Pay for Dermal Filler Penile Enlargement?

Since dermal filler injections to enlarge the penis are a cosmetic enhancement and not a necessary treatment, most insurance agencies will not cover the injections. However, like other cosmetic treatments, financing options or payment plans may be available to make affording this method of penis enlargement easier.

Analogous Fat Transfer with Lipo for Penis Enlargement

It is possible to increase the thickness of the penis using a fat transfer. An analogous fat injection, or fat transfer, involves removing fat from somewhere else on the body using liposuction. Once the fat is harvested, it is injected into the outer, middle, and deep layers of the fascia of the penis.

This method of penis enlargement adds girth to the penis and is occasionally used to help men unhappy with their penis thickness.

Research shows that this method of penile enlargement is generally safe and effective. However, it doesn’t expand the erectile tissue of the penis. This means that it may not result in a significant increase in penis size during an erection.

Related reading: Fat Transfer for Hand Rejuvenation

How Much Does Penis Enlargement Cost Using a Fat Transfer?

On average, a penis fat transfer costs anywhere from $14,000 to $30,000 (based on 3 treatments). Since analogous fat transfers require the assistance of a liposuction device, they are invasive and more expensive than dermal penis fillers.

How Do I Pay for Penis Enlargement Using Fat Transfers?

Like other penis enlargement costs, the cost of a fat transfer is not eligible to be covered by most insurances. Like most other cosmetic surgeries and procedures, financing options or payment plans may be available to make it easier to afford this penis enlargement option.

Himplant Penile Implant

The Himplant by Penuma Penile Implant is one of the most popular surgical procedures for improving the look, length, and girth of the penis. Penuma is the first FDA-cleared penis implant for male enlargement. Thousands of men worldwide have undergone this procedure and enjoyed the physical enhancements, increasing both the girth and length of the penis, both flaccid and erect.

The biggest concern when getting the Himplant device is the cost of the implant and the surgery. It’s important to note that the cost of penis enlargement surgery depends on your chosen procedure, specific penis anatomy, and expectations.

Only an expert surgeon can give you an exact quote for your Himplant surgery. However, this article gives you a good idea of the penis enlargement surgery cost for the popular Himplant Penile Implant.

Himplant Penile Implant Cost

The cost of Himplant penis enlargement surgery ranges from $16,000 to $25,000. This range is somewhat larger because some people may require additional services, including adult circumcision or suprapubic fat removal as a prerequisite for the Himplant surgery.

However, if you do not require any additional services, then the cost typically ranges from $16,000 to $18,000.

What’s Included in the Penuma Penis Surgery Cost?

When you select the leading penile implant specialist, Dr. Tajkarimi of Better Body MD, for your Penuma surgery, you can expect to pay $17,000 for your penis enlargement. This price includes the following:

  • Hospital fees
  • Anesthesia
  • Implant
  • Surgeon
  • Assistant
  • Follow-up appointment

In addition, Dr. Tajkarimi offers adult circumcision at $2,900. This is done in the office at least 8 weeks before your Himplant procedure.

How Do I Pay for My Himplant Implant?

If you select Himplant penis enlargement, you can pay the following:

  • Cash (ACH transfer)
  • Credit card
  • United Medical Credit

If you select Dr. Tajkarimi, travel and lodging are not included in your surgical fees, and you will be responsible for paying those on your own. During your consultation, you can discuss Himplant prices and surgical fees in more depth with Dr. Tajkarimi. You will also learn about available financing options.

Weighing the Penis Enlargement Cost Based on Safety & Longevity

While there are many penile enlargement procedures, treatments, medications, and surgeries available, it is important to select the safest form of enlargement. Expert male enlargement specialist and one of the world’s leading providers of Himplant Penile Implants, Dr. Tajkarimi, says you should avoid enlargement surgeries that cut the suspensory ligament in the penis. Procedures or surgeries that do this can cause penis instability, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and it is also against the recommendations of the American Urological Association.

In addition, Dr. Tajkarimi advises you to avoid Polymethyl-Methacrylate Microspheres (PMMA) and liquid silicone.

Moreover, you need to look at the penile enlargement cost based on the longevity of the treatment. Penuma is the only way to secure a safe, permanent penis enlargement that lasts 10-15 years, whereas other enlargement treatments like penis dermal fillers have to be done sometimes twice a year for consistent results.

Experience Safe, Affordable Penis Enlargement Surgery with Top Surgeon

Safe, affordable, and permanent male enhancement is possible with the top surgeon, Dr. Tajkarimi. Call 703-687-3601 now to schedule a consultation and learn more about your penis enlargement surgery cost options, discover which implant is best for your body/needs, and discover how this revolutionary treatment can alter your self-esteem and intimate life forever.

Dr. Tajkarimi is one of the leading providers of the Himplant Penile Implant in the world. Located in Leesburg, VA, and proudly serving the surrounding areas in Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. Learn more by scheduling a consultation.

Penis Enlargement Cost FAQs

While many people balk at the $25k top-tier price tag for penile implant surgery, it is an affordable cosmetic surgery. It is worth mentioning that you cannot put a price on improving your confidence. Being happy within your own skin is important for a fulfilled life, and Penile Implants help make that possible for some people. In addition, Dr. Tajkarimi provides many ways to pay for and finance your penis enlargement surgery, making it an affordable experience.

Since penis enlargement is considered a cosmetic penile enhancement surgery, insurance will not cover this “elective” surgery. There are, however, multiple payment plans and financing options available.

Payment plans may be an option for your penile enlargement surgery. You can speak more about this option during your consultation with expert surgeon Dr. Tajkarimi and his team of professionals at Better Body MD.

For people who want to improve their physical appearance and penile function, penis implants are a very effective procedure and a reliable way to help them achieve optimal results. In fact, Studies have shown that the satisfaction rate of men with a penile implant, as well as their partners, is between 90 and 95%.

There is a high patient satisfaction rate for penis enlargements. According to the Cleveland Clinic, over 90% of people with a penile implant are happy with the results.


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Average Age for Penile Implant: Am I Too Old? | Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

a man holding his bulges
a man holding his bulges

Average Age for Penile Implant: Am I Too Old?

Erectile dysfunction and other sexual concerns affect many men, no matter their age. If you struggle to get or keep an erection and lifestyle modifications (weight loss, stopping smoking, cardio exercise, reduction of stress, elimination of drugs and alcohol), and oral ED medications don’t help, or you are just unhappy with your current size, then a penile implant can help. 

Read on to learn more about the penis implant options and benefits of this treatment. Your age is not a disqualifier for getting a penis implant!

What are Penile Implants?

A penile implant is a surgically implanted device. Its sole purpose is to help you get an erection, usually if you have erectile dysfunction (ED), and to help improve your penis size for a boost in self-esteem.

There are two types of penile implants available:

Inflatable penile implant: The inflatable penile implant is a pump in your scrotum (the pouch of skin behind your penis), allowing you to get an erection whenever you choose. In other words, you can inflate and deflate whenever you want. You control your erection.

Non-inflatable penile implant: The non-inflatable penile implant is a bendable silicone rod in the erection chambers of your penis. This type of implant allows you to extend the rods into an erect position when you need the penis to be erect.

What is the Most Popular Kind of Penis Implant?

A photo of a couple happily interacting with each other.

Titan Implant: One of the more popular penis implants is the Titan penile implant, made by Coloplast company. This pump is an inflatable penile implant. The Titan pump is simple and easy to use. This inflatable penile implant is entirely unnoticeable and invisible. When you have this implant, the penis still looks relaxed and normal when flaccid. Then, when it is pumped up, the erection looks very firm and strong. It’s natural and feels real. To create an erect penis, find the pump in the scrotum and gently squeeze it a few times until you receive a full erection. Once ready to deflate, press the release bars with steady and firm pressure until flaccid. So simple and easy to use, and best of all, it looks and feels natural.

Himplant by Penuma Implant: The Himplant implant is a state-of-the-art solution for male cosmetic enhancement, designed to safely and effectively improve the size and appearance of the penis. Constructed from medical-grade silicone, the crescent-shaped implant is carefully contoured and customized by your surgeon to fit your unique anatomy, ensuring a natural look and feel. The implant is available in various sizes, including large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large, offering tailored solutions to meet individual preferences and goals.

This innovative implant significantly improves both girth and flaccid length, enhancing confidence without compromising penile function or interfering with the urethra, as confirmed by extensive scientific studies. Manufactured in an ISO-certified facility under strict U.S. quality controls, the solid silicone design is durable, safe, and free from liquids or gels. As the first FDA-cleared penile implant specifically for aesthetic enhancement, it has become a trusted choice for men seeking a noticeable yet natural-looking cosmetic improvement.

Since its introduction in 2004, the Himplant implant has been used in thousands of successful procedures, setting a high standard in the field of male cosmetic surgery. Its proven safety, quality, and effectiveness make it a standout option for those considering penile enhancement.

Benefits of a Penis Implant

  •  Safe and effective treatment for Severe ED
  •  Achieve an erection whenever you want
  •  Easy to locate, inflate and deflate
  •  Looks and feels like a natural erection
  •  Boosts self-confidence in the bedroom

Am I Too Old for a Penis Implant?

A man on a bed expressing astonishment at his intimate area concealed by the blanket

Are you wondering if you are too old for a penis implant? Penile implants are an incredible technology for relieving conditions many people consider incurable with minimal risks or side effects. However, like other surgical treatments, people often associate age limitations with penile implants. This part of the article will discuss age, whether you can receive a penile implant, and how old you have to be.

Penile Implants at Age 50

While erectile dysfunction is more typical after your 50s and into your 60s, some men in their 40s and 50s can still suffer from ED. For some men with diabetes and long-standing hypertension, prostate cancer treatments develop severe ED, and a penile implant can help overcome ED. A penile implant is a great surgical option for you to help restore your self-esteem and improve your sex life.

Penile Implants at Age 60

60 years old is definitely not too old to have a penis implant. In fact, according to many studies, this is the average age for men receiving an implant. This common treatment method is suitable for men with erectile dysfunction, which tends to affect more mature males. If you are healthy enough for a 1-hour outpatient surgery and your doctors believe this surgery is safe, you can receive a penile implant with minimal risks and complications.

Penile Implants at Age 70+

Age is not a disqualifier for receiving a penile implant. Many of Dr. Tajkarimi’s patients who receive the implant are in their 70’s and 80’s. With proper communication with your primary care physician or your cardiologist, you can be cleared for surgery with minimal risk of anesthesia.

What to Do if You are Too Old for a Penis Implant*

If you are not healthy enough for anesthesia, you can still enjoy making love to your partner without an erection. Erotic massages, oral sex, sex toys, and many other options exist to express affection and desire to your partner.

Discuss Your Options with an Expert

If you are wondering whether or not you are too old for a penile implant, consult with an expert. Dr. Tajkarimi is the elite choice for penile implants and male enhancements.

Dr. Tajkarimi is a leading expert in men’s sexual health in Northern VA, bringing skill and expertise to his patients. In addition, he provides minimally invasive, incredibly effective, and safe penile implant procedures with years of experience and knowledge.

If you want to discuss the possibility of having a penile implant, contact an expert by calling Dr. Tajkarimi at 703-687-3601 to schedule a consultation and undergo an evaluation. Dr. Taj uses his years of experience to determine if a penile implant suits your needs. If not, Dr. Taj can help you find an adequate solution that helps improve your sexual health and life.

To learn more about the Titan Implant in Northern Virginia or the Himplant Implant by Penuma, schedule your consultation with leading penile implant expert Dr. Tajkarimi now!

Penile Implant FAQs

The average age for a male to receive a penile implant, according to several studies, is in their 60s. In fact, men in their 80s can receive a penile implant if they are in good health and do great with the implant procedure and recovery.

After your penis implant surgery, you may experience mild or moderate soreness for a few days. This soreness could continue for several days following the procedure. Depending on how your body heals and recovers, the symptoms will go away within a week or two.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, people with a penis implant report that sex feels the same or even better than before they had the procedure. In addition, the implant will not change the sensation on the skin of the penis. An implant will also not affect the ability to ejaculate or orgasm. It may take several weeks to adjust to the sensations of having an implant. However, once you adjust, it will feel entirely normal.

Most men enjoy their penile implants for 15 to 20 years. Dr. Tajkarimi uses state-of-the-art surgical equipment and the latest techniques to deliver a penile implant that will last! However, should breakage occur, it can be corrected with a short surgical procedure.


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Himplant by Penuma Surgery | How Male Enlargement Works

A photo of a couple happily interacting with each other.
A photo of a couple happily interacting with each other.

The Himplant Surgery | How Male Enlargement Works

The Himplant surgery is a male enlargement procedure that uses the first FDA-cleared aesthetic penis implant. Thousands of men have chosen Himplant and its predecessor, the Penuma implant, and enjoy their natural-looking results. Read on to learn more about this procedure and how it works.

The Himplant Surgery Benefits

  • Increase penis width and flaccid length
  • Natural feel and look
  • Removable
  • Short, outpatient procedure (typically 45 to 60 minutes)
  • Customizable shape and size
  • Implant did not interfere with penile function or sexual sensation in an extensive scientific study
  • FDA-cleared for penile augmentation and scientifically backed

The Himplant Surgery

The Himplant (Penuma’s next-gen male enhancement solution) implant comes in 5 different sizes. The physician contours the implant according to the optimal shape and size. The Himplant implants are made of soft, medical-grade silicone to preserve a natural feel. No liquids or gels are contained in these implants. Himplant surgery is not a treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED).

Before The Himplant Surgery

Before Himplant surgery, patients have a consultation with the provider where they will go over their aesthetic goals for enhancement. At Better Body MD, Dr. Tajkarimi performs Himplant surgeries. He is one of a select group of surgeons trained to perform Himplant penis enlargement. Dr. Tajkarimi requires these few things of patients before they undergo the procedure:
  • Non-smokers; must be free from smoking at least one month before surgery
  • Age 25 and older
  • Circumcised, Dr. Tajkarimi offers office circumcision 8 weeks prior to surgery
  • Physically & emotionally stable
  • Compliant with all postoperative instructions

The Himplant Surgery

Himplant surgery takes place in a state-of-the-art surgical center. General anesthesia is used, and the surgeon makes a small incision at the base of the scrotum. The penis itself requires no incisions and remains unscarred.

The implant is placed through the incision, under the skin. It is then drawn down the shaft and stretches the tissues and skin to make the penis look and feel larger. The Himplant implant fits like a sheath under the skin and is sutured into place expertly, so the sutures can be undetectable by both the patient and their sexual partners.

Enhancement from Himplant surgery will continue over time as the skin around the penis adapts to the new additions of width and flaccid length. The surgery typically takes 45–60 minutes and is an outpatient procedure.

After The Himplant Surgery

This procedure typically requires 2–4 days for recovery and returning to routine daily activities. Many are up and walking the same day after the surgery. However, patients must abstain from vigorous exercise and sexual activity for about 6 to 8 weeks. While infrequent, the implant can be removed if desired.

The Himplant Surgery Near Me

Dr. Tajkarimi of Better Body MD is the leading and premier provider of Himplant and its predecessor, the Penuma implant surgery in Northern Virginia. If you are seeking male enhancement that looks and feels natural, Himplant may be right for you. Get the results you want by contacting Dr. Tajkarimi for a FREE consultation. He can answer all questions you may have about the Himplant surgery. Call Better Body MD today at 703-687-3601 to get started.


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Is Himplant by Penuma Worth It? | Cosmetic Enlargement for Men

Happy loving couple smiling at each other.
Happy loving couple smiling at each other.

Is Himplant Worth It? | Cosmetic Enlargement for Men

If you are a man considering The Himplant penis enlargement surgery, you may be wondering, “Is Himplant worth it?” Himplant, the evolved successor to Penuma can be a costly procedure averaging about $17,000. It is not covered by insurance. This procedure also is not cleared for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. If you are interested in getting the procedure, read on to learn all about Himplant, how it works, and how to decide if this cosmetic enlargement surgery is for you.

What Is The Himplant?

Originating from the legacy of the Penuma implant, the Himplant represents the next phase in penis enlargement surgery, utilizing an FDA-cleared implant for cosmetic penile enhancement. Himplant has been successfully performed for thousands of men. The implant used in this surgery is made of medical-grade silicone. Himplant implants can increase penile girth and flaccid length.

Related Article: Learn more about Himplant >>

Does The Himplant Penis Enlargement Work?

If you are looking for a way to feel and look bigger, Himplant may be worth it for you. No incisions are made on the penis. Instead, the implant is expertly inserted under the skin through an incision made at the base of the penis. The enhancement of Himplant implants continues over time as the skin will adapt to the added width and length.

Himplant and its predecessor, the Penuma implant, have been extensively studied and researched. As a result, Himplant and Penuma have been reported to have a high satisfaction rate among patients.

Benefits of The Himplant

  • Can increase penis girth and flaccid length
  • Short and convenient 45–60 min outpatient procedure
  • Able to fully customize shape and size
  • Fully Removable
  • Does not interfere with sexual function or sensation according to extensive scientific study

Is The Himplant Worth It?

The Journal of Sexual Medicine reported a surgical study evaluation of 400 men who underwent Himplant. This report said the study found 81% of the men rated their satisfaction with Himplant results as ‘high’ or ‘very high.’ However, only 3% of this group had the implant removed due to problems following the procedure.

Furthermore, it was also reported that “improvement in self-confidence and self-esteem was noted in 83% of patients…81% of subjects reported “high” or “very high” levels of satisfaction… No patients reported any changes in sexual function, erections, or ejaculation”. Researchers concluded, “Himplant device demonstrates improvements in girth (56.7% increase) and high and sustained patient satisfaction, self-confidence, and self-esteem with minimal and manageable adverse events.”

Many men find Himplant to be worth it. Choose a skilled and experienced Himplant provider to speak with during a complimentary consultation and discover if Himplant will also be worth it for you.

The Himplant Near Me

Dr. Kambiz Tajkarimi of Better Body MD is a premier provider of Himplant in Northern Virginia. He is a total definer master surgeon and is one of the few select surgeons trained to perform the Himplant penis enlargement surgery. Men in northern Virginia, greater Washington DC, and many other areas across the nation choose Dr. Tajkarimi for The Himplant. Better Body MD is conveniently located in Leesburg, VA, 10 min from the Dulles International Airport. Contact Dr. Tajkarimi today to find out if the Himplant is worth it for you. Schedule your FREE consultation today by calling 703-337-3353.


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What is Himplant by Penuma?

Portrait of young happy man with Himplant by Penuma Surgery.
Portrait of young happy man with Himplant by Penuma Surgery.

What is Himplant (the successor to Penuma Implant)?

The Himplant is the latest generation of Penuma Implant. It is an FDA-cleared penis enlargement implant. This cosmetic enhancement implant for men is made of soft, medical-grade silicone and can increase girth and flaccid length. Any additional increase in erect length is unpredictable. Individual results may vary. There are no liquids or gels in Himplant. Your Himplant device will be fitted by Dr. Tajkarimi for you specifically, and there are multiple sizes available, including large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large.

How Does The Himplant Work?

The Himplant (successor to the Penuma implant) procedures with Dr. Tajkarimi take place in a state-of-the-art surgical center using general anesthesia. The surgery is an outpatient procedure of typically 45 to 60 minutes. First, a small incision is made on the scrotum, not on the penis itself. The implant is then expertly inserted, drawn down, and then sutured in place. Enhancement from this implant continues over time as the surrounding skin and tissue adapt to the new width and length.

Does The Himplant Really Work?

Thousands of men have successfully gotten Himplant surgery. In a study reported in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, many men reported a satisfactory increase in size, in addition to higher self-confidence and self-esteem.

How Much Does the Himplant Cost?

Himplant (successor to the Penuma implant) is considered an elective cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. Penis enhancement can cost anywhere between $16,000 – $30,000. Factors that determine the cost are discussed in detail with Dr. Tajkarimi. You can learn about financing options during a consultation with Better Body MD and Dr. Tajkarimi.

Is the Himplant durable?

The Himplant was created to be natural-looking, natural-feeling, and long-lasting. Results from this procedure can last you a long time and do not need to be removed or replaced unless there is a complication or desire to remove the implant. The Himplant is also removable, should you choose to have it removed.

How Much Does The Himplant Increase Size?

A study of 400 patients who underwent Himplant shows the procedure resulted in a 56.7% increase in penile size.

Does Himplant Affect Sensation?

Past studies on Himplant (successor to the Penuma implant) show no instances where function or sensation is affected, including the ability to get and hold an erection and sensation during intercourse or ejaculation. Individual results may vary.

When Can I Resume Sexual Activity?

This procedure typically requires 2-4 days of in-person visits. However, patients must abstain from sexual activity for about 6-8 weeks following the surgery.

Can Himplant Treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

The Himplant (successor to the Penuma implant) is not intended to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). However, as mentioned before, the penile function itself should remain unaffected. In addition, in the same category, your ability to get and hold an erection and sexual sensation should remain unaffected, getting neither better nor worse.

How Does the Himplant Compare to Other Penis Enlargement Methods?

There are many penis enlargement methods available in the market today. Many of them include pills, lotions, vacuum devices, traction devices, and penile augmentation using fat cells or suspensory ligament release. Although some of these methods may be useful for treating ED, none are cleared to increase penis size, and some have little to no effect at all.

Are there side effects from the Himplant?

There are possible risks and complications with any surgical procedure. The possible risks and complications, as well as alternative treatment, including non-surgical options, will be discussed in detail during consultation in advance of the procedure. Adverse events often occur due to non-compliance by patients with post-op instructions. In a clinical study that is IRB-approved and listed on the official Himplant website, a majority of patients report high satisfaction with the results of their Himplant penis enlargement. However, a minimal number of patients reported complications, including infection and seroma. Additionally, although Himplant is a customizable procedure, it is also possible you may not like your final results.

Can Himplant break?

Some possible complications from this penis enhancement surgery include infection or perforation of the actual implant. In addition, stitches used to place the implant may come apart, leading the implant to break apart. This can result in blood clots occurring in the penile tissue.

How long is the Himplant surgery?

Himplant, the successor to the Penuma implant, is typically a 45 – 60 minute outpatient procedure.

Does the Himplant surgery require anesthesia?

The Himplant is a surgery performed under general anesthesia. The use of anesthesia comes with its own potential side effects. With anesthesia, you may experience vomiting, exhaustion, and nausea.

Is the Himplant covered by insurance?

No. The Himplant (successor to the Penuma implant) penis enlargement surgery is considered to be an elective procedure. Therefore, it will not be covered by your insurance.

What is the Himplant made of?

Himplant penis implants are made of a medical-grade silicone. Himplant does not have any gel or liquid inside. It is a crescent-shaped implant that is contoured and customized by your surgeon to fit your penis and provide the enlargement you desire.

Is Himplant Right For Me?

If you are insecure about your penis size or appearance, desire more confidence through male enlargement, and want a thicker, longer, flaccid penis, Himplant may be the solution. Dr. Tajkarimi requires his patients to be circumcised, physically and emotionally stable, and non-smokers to undergo Himplant surgery.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Tajkarimi at Better Body MD, call 703-687-3601 now.


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Penis Prosthesis Explained: Is it Right For You?

A photo of a wife hugging her husband.
A photo of a wife hugging her husband.

Penis Prosthesis Explained

Originating with the Penuma implant and evolving into Himplant, thousands of men have chosen these penis prostheses for cosmetic enlargement. A penis prosthesis, when expertly implanted, offers a natural appearance and feel. Dive deeper to understand the journey of Himplant, the advantages of this surgery, tips for selecting the right provider, and more.

What is Penis Prosthesis?

Himplant is the first FDA-cleared aesthetic penis prosthesis or cosmetic penile implant. Since 2004, Himplant has been performed for thousands of men. Himplant implants are made of medical-grade silicone. These implants increase girth and flaccid length.

Benefits of The Himplant

  • Short, 45–60-minute outpatient procedures
  • Customize shape and size
  • Can increase penis girth and flaccid length
  • Minimal downtime of 2–4 days
  • Removable
  • Natural feel and look
  • No interference in function or sensation in patients in an extensive scientific study

The Himplant vs. Other Penis Prosthesis

There are many options for male enhancement procedures. Which procedure is right for you depends on your desired results and expectations. Penile prostheses have been around since 1967 and have been widely available since then. Some well-known options are a malleable silicone or an inflatable pump. Both these two options were designed to treat ED (erectile dysfunction) and not for penile size enhancement. The Himplant & Penuma Implant are different.

The Himplant is an actual penile enhancement procedure. The Himplant also does not require manual activation. In 2018, the Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study on patients who received Himplant implants. This study took place over 5 years and had 400 participants. Results showed a 58% increase in penis size and a high patient satisfaction rate. This procedure also provides a boost in confidence. Adverse side effects were minimal.

Is Penis Prosthesis Right for Me?

There are guidelines and requirements for those seeking the Himplant. These will be listed on the websites of providers offering penile enlargement. To experience the full benefits of this penis prosthesis procedure, it is important to determine your candidacy with a reputable provider. Dr. Tajkarimi of Better Body MD is recognized as one of the top penile implant and male enhancement surgeons in the world.

The Cost of Penis Prosthesis

The Himplant is an elective procedure and, as such, will not be covered by insurance. This procedure is customized, so that the exact cost will vary. To know the precise cost of a penis prosthesis, speak directly with a provider.

Penis Prosthesis Near Me

Dr. Kambiz Tajkarimi of Better Body MD is the premier provider of penis prostheses with Himplant implants. Better Body MD is located in Leesburg, VA, and is dedicated to helping men in the surrounding areas of Northern Virginia and Greater Washington DC achieve their cosmetic goals. Contact us today for a FREE consultation by calling 703-337-3353.


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